Blog of a Catholic edgelord.

As I expected, I'm no good at coding. I am, however, okay at writing - so this will serve as my blog nobody will read. I'll post my poems here from time to time, or just a general musing on my life. That will go below this little introductory paragraph. Don't expect this site to look any better at any time, because it won't. Do expect half-decent poems every now and then.

Corpus Christi

In Bethelehem, clothed in flesh you once were,

and through thy death, grace did you once confer,

so too now, my dear Jesus, clothed as bread

you grant eternal life, for which you bled.

True manna, true wine, true man, and true God,

for wretched I you died, O love most odd!

From Heaven you came, then leaving thy throne,

to show us men that life is yours alone.

O dear broken bread, and crimson spilled wine,

in you I may find, my Jesus divine.

O pierced feet and hands, and stricken pierced side,

in you I find hope, and in you I hide.

Grant, O Lord, that we may remain in you,

as you in us, as bread, your body true,

and grant that we may bless your holy name,

for tis you, O Christ, who liveth and reigns

Yep, there's more!.